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implementation  of  the  Convention  in  a  relatively  short  time  frame,  via  desk  studies  or  surveys.
            Examples  of  topics  currently  underway  include  a  study  on  e-Commerce,  to  show  how  online
            transactions  have  evolved  since  a  similar  study  was  conducted  over  a  decade  ago  (2012).  As  we
            know, e-Commerce transactions have exploded in the last decade, even more so during the pandemic
            years.  No  surprises  here. What  is  less known  is  how  this  trend  has  impacted  plant  health,  as it  is
            suspected that a significant number of parcels in circulation worldwide may actually contain prohibited
            or regulated articles, such as plant seeds.

            Another Observatory topic is the design and distribution of the third IPPC general survey. Two general
            surveys have been conducted to date (in 2012 and 2016), and a third survey was being planned for
            distribution but the pandemic disrupted these efforts. The IC Sub-Group in charge of the Observatory
            determined it would be best to wait for NPPO activities to go back to some normality so that the survey
            provides data that can be easily compared with its pre-pandemic predecessors.
            Finally a study on the use of the IPPC Diagnostic Protocols (DPs) is being conducted to attempt to
            answer the following questions: are DPs widely used by the IPPC Community? How widely and what
            are  the  preferred  language  versions  used?  This  is  important  to  determine  as  there  is  a  common
            assumption that DPs are used in their original English version, regardless of the native language of
            the user. If this is the case, then shouldn’t translation services be dedicated elsewhere? In the current
            environment  of  competing  for  resources,  those  are  important  questions  to  answer  to  inform  future
            Finally, one crucial aspect that differentiates the Observatory from other IPPC projects is that the call
            for topics remains open all year round. Think of it like of a suggestion box where ideas for topics can
            be communicated as they arise. So feel free to reach  out to the official IPPC contact point of your
            country’s NPPO should you have a suggestion for an Observatory topic!
            IPPC Observatory web page:
            IPPC Observatory list of topics:
            IPPC Observatory fact sheet:

            IPPC Observatory video:

            By: Dominique Pelletier
            CFIA and IPPC IC Chairperson

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