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species within North America by managing and publishing Official Pest Reports from NAPPO member
             countries. Nine Official Pest Reports have been published (8 from the U. S. and 1 from Canada) since
             November 1, 2022. The NAPPO Secretariat would like to welcome Rajesh Ramarathnam (CFIA) who
             has returned to the EG and thank Naima Ait Oumejjout (CFIA) for her contributions.

             Forest  Quarantine  Research  Group  (FQRG). Current FQRG discussions include heat
             treatment parameters for wood products and how to get consensus on which treatment parameters to
             use in our region.

             Furthering  the  implementation  of  Risk-Based  Sampling.                        The RBS module
             content was translated, and all voice content was recorded in Spanish. The NAPPO IT specialist is
             building  the  module  using  the  Storyline  360  (Articulate)  software.  Completion  of  this  project  is
             expected for the 2nd quarter of 2023.

            A revision of RSPM 35 “Guidelines for the movement of Stone and Pome Fruit Trees and Grapevines
            into a NAPPO Member Country” was recently finalized under the adroit leadership of CFIA’s Sarah
            Brearey.  From an industry perspective, this revision of RSPM 35 was most significant in removing
            agents of unknown etiology (AUE), once thought to be viruses or virus-like entities, from the pest list in
            the  standard.    The  three  U.S.  industry  participants  on  the  group,  Bill  Howell  and  Mike  Willett
            (Northwest  Nursery  Improvement  Institute)  and  Craig  Regelbrugge  (AmericanHort),  were  able  to
            provide  both  technical  and  anecdotal  information  to  the  group  regarding  specific  pome  fruit  AUE,
            including the observation that no disease had been detected in decades of field indexing otherwise
            clean material.
            Even  prior  to  its  publication,  a  review  of  the  proposed  standard  by  USDA  APHIS  PPQ  Plants  for
            Planting resulted in a change to the testing and therapy permits issued to the U.S. National Clean
            Plant  Network-Fruit  Tree  centers.    Modification  of  these  permits  eliminated  a  requirement  for  field
            indexing for AUE, trimming three years off the pome fruit diagnostic protocols at these centers, putting
            valuable  plant  materials  in  grower’s  hands  and  getting  high  quality  apple  and  pear  cultivars  to
            consumers that much sooner.

            The  expert group’s  consideration  and  confirmation  of  the  information  submitted  by  U.S.  industry  in
            developing  the  standard  is  a  clear  example  of  how  the  NAPPO  industry-regulatory  collaboration
            produced  a  standard  that  was  successfully  implemented  for  the  benefit  of  agriculture  without
            compromising quarantine security.

            By: Mike Willet, Craig Regelbrugge, and Bill Howell
            Industry members of the NAPPO RSPM 35 EG

                                                     March 2023 -Vol 43 (1)                                       5
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